Stuart - Stassi's "boy wonder".

 Oct. 19, 2014

 For now, let me explain who "Stewart" is. Stewart claims he was a resident of the same residence where Rogers and Hodgkinson lived, he also claims to be an employee at the same place of employment, 1stco. He called in during WRKF's Jim Engster Show (podcast) and volunteered all this information himself. Stewart stated that he was raped by Rogers since the age of 13 and it continued until his Roger's death. This podcast has since been removed from The Jim Engster Show's website archives. If anyone has a copy of the podcast, please feel free to drop me an email. Here is the summary from the Nancy Grace website.

UPDATE: audio is now here:

  Stewart, or shall we say Stuart, which is the correct spelling, was the only link to claims of pedophilia in this case. I don't know why there is an effort to keep the identity of this guy secret as he is engaged in a plethora of internet postings and self promotion. He also has left an interesting path for those that are investigating his claims, the internet is forever and you can't go back and erase it. Not good for Stuart, or Stassi's narrative.  

  It seems Stuart has a talent for reinvention while maintaining pertinent aspect of digitally identifiable information. In spite of his claims of being raped for 23 years it appears he was in another country until 2001. Why didn't Stassi get the documentation from the Immigration Department and send THAT to the press?   It also appears he applied for a work visa. So we know Stuart lied big time in this next story.:

"One of the victims, who is now in his 30s, said he met Rogers at his dance school in England when he was 12 years old. He told Engster he was intimately involved with Rogers. 

  'This began when I was 13 and increased in frequency(sp) all the way until I was 18 and then continued through last week," said the caller."On some level, I think he raised me from when I was 12 or 13 years old and I think that on some level gets in you.

  The caller said he followed Rogers to the U.S. when he moved and lived with him at his home in St. Gabriel until last week. When asked why he continued to follow him despite his allegations of sexual abuse, the caller said "It's all I've known for 23 years."

  But.......Here's bio Stuart has on his Google+:

Production Manager, 2001 - 2014
I headed up a web and design division at 1stCo for my first 5 years in the USA then transitioned into the position of Production Manager. In that role I spent a decade overseeing the creative output of the company, building and running a 6,000 sq ft television studio, and creating video content that included full weekly and monthly cable shows, training programs, and video for distribution online."

  That's not the 23 years in America he was hoping to sell us. 

  Then on 10/16/2014 he added this gem, he suddenly created a Google+ community devoted to the beautiful Bury St Edmunds region, possibly to coaborate the narrative. He wrote this bio :

  "I am a photographer. I grew up in Bury St Edmunds. I’ve been away, traveling all over the world for the last 20 years. Since I came home in 2014 I have walked my old stomping grounds with my camera and rediscovered one of England’s prettiest small towns. I want to share how I see Bury St Edmunds and connect with people who think, like me that this town is beautiful."

  Now, that was found with 40 minutes of searching info Stuart himself put out in the WWW. Why couldn't Sheriff Stassi find it in all the time he said he had said he had spoken to Stuart? Did he already know Stuart's claims were made up? Did both Stuart and Stassi have something to lose if the grand jury heard testimony? 


As of 10/21/2014, Stuart has removed the incriminating biography from his Google +.


  1. "1stCo
    Production Manager, 2001 - 2014
    I headed up a web and design division at 1stCo for my first 5 years in the USA then transitioned into the position of Production Manager. In that role I spent a decade overseeing the creative output of the company, building and running a 6,000 sq ft television studio, and creating video content that included full weekly and monthly cable shows, training programs, and video for distribution online."

    That's not the 23 years in America he was hoping to sell us. "

    I do not have any problem investigating further into the details of this story, but I believe you are misunderstanding the timeline presented. When he says it's all he's known for "23 years," one can infer he is referring to his life with Scott, which he said started at age 13 (making him now 36). He met Rogers in England, thus the "23 years" covers time in England as well as the U.S.

    In the resume portion you listed, he says that he became production manager of 1stCo in 2001 but had worked as web designer for the company for five years prior to that, marking his arrival to America roughly around 1996. This matches what I've read as far as when Scott Rogers came to America, sometime in the mid to late 1990s.

    You have not updated in awhile but I would be interested in hearing your theory as to what exactly happened if not what has been presented by the police. I agree the sheriff has presented conflicting information, although I think he started talking to the media very early before all of the facts could be established - at least, the facts that the police would inevitably decide were true.

    1. Now let's do the math. He says he spent his time at 1st co during his FIRST 5 YEARS IN THE STATES (that would be 2001-2006).There is no way in hell he was here in 1995 like he claimed on the phone on a popular radio show, but here was no way in hell he was calling into a radio show while under federal protection.He was most likely here on an H!-B Visa, he had to have a bachelors degree to come over.

      Production Manager, 2001 - 2014
      I headed up a web and design division at 1stCo for my first 5 years in the USA then transitioned into the position of Production Manager. In that role I spent a decade overseeing the creative output of the company, building and running a 6,000 sq ft television studio, and creating video content that included full weekly and monthly cable shows, training programs, and video for distribution online."

    2. He is saying that he did web design for 1st Co for five years *before* being named "Production Manager." And according to the first line of that job description, he became "Production Manager" in 2001. Which means the five years of web design began in 1996. Regardless, this whole story is disturbing and it is too bad we will never know the full truth.

  2. The timestamp on his resume stands in stark disagreement with your assertion. It was newly written and states what he did in his FIRST 5 YEARS IN THE STATES. Why you continue to ignore this is baffling. BTW, the resume is EVERYWHERE!

    Scott Rogers was not involved with 1st co until after 2001 which also throws Stuart's story off. How could he be working at 1stco at a time when Rogers was not involved with 1stco?
