Marketing a messy exit.

"Rogers' attorney confirms that the television personality was in the midst of a legal battle but would not provide specifics. Sources confirmed that Rogers' daughter was testifying before a federal grand jury Wednesday in matters related to her father. Deputies were sent to the courthouse to notify her of the death. 

U.S. Attorney Walt Green said Department of Justice guidelines prevent him from speaking about grand jury matters and he could not confirm or deny that any proceedings were taking place.

Workers at the Around Town studios located inside Cortana Mall say they were instructed not to speak about the case or the future of the studio."

  We will look at the strange and somewhat non existent details of the hearing later.

  Fellow employees, neighbors, and friends of  Scott Rogers and Mathew Hodkinson were told to keep quiet about the case, which was no real problem at that time, they were still numb from the news that two people with whom they worked closely were gone, and they were now unemployed. Yep, that's going to hit you in several ways. But If the Justice Department said there is to be no dissemination of details while the investigation was ongoing, why was the Iberville Parish Sheriff up on a soapbox behaving like a  one man publicist for the case he was assigned to investigate? Did he take advantage of the hush order to quiet anyone that would have countered his stories? Was Hodgkinson wrongly accused of killing Rogers and then trying to commit suicide? Slick but underhanded marketing move on behalf of the Sheriff.

  To be clear, the law mandate that even though a citizen is told to hush to maintain integrity in an investigation, that citizen is also compelled to speak out if they detect mishandling or an attempt to mislead an investigation. These complains are to be brought to the State Attorney General's office.

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