Rannah Gray has purchased several domain names related to the writing of a book about the deaths of Scott Rogers and Mathew Hodkinson. Apparently the title is akin to " Familiar Evil". To demonstrate why this is so twisted, let's get some background on Ms Rannah Gray and her battle with Scott Rogers and Mathew Hodgkinson.
Rannah Gray is a partner of Marmillion/Gray Media, a competitor of 1st Co, Inc.
1st Co ,Inc was the company managed by both Scott Rogers and Mathew Hodgkinson.
Marmillion/Gray Media's marketing specialty is to create a predetermined narrative through press releases, social media, and "listening sessions" such as the ones she managed when pushing the Baton Rouge Loop. MGM works very closely with city/state agencies and elected officials, namely, Baton Rouge Mayor Kip Holden. MGM handles nearly all of his public relations work.
Rannah Gray initiated a lawsuit with 1st Co, Inc concerning contract money involving the East Baton Rouge Office of Homeland Security's contract with 1st Co, Inc.The OHS had signed on with 1st Co, Inc to produce the Red Stick Ready series, videos instructing the public in disaster related procedures (2009). The head of EBROHS mysteriously threw in an extra $15,000 on top of the agreed upon rate charged by 1st Co, Inc, they were told that the extra money was to be sent to Marmillion/Gray Media but written as a check from 1st Co, Inc. instead of the city contracting with them directly. 1st Co claimed Marmillion/Gray Media did not work for, or with them and were not subcontracted. This arrangement was suspect, so Rogers and Hodgkinson did not play along with the scheme and returned the money to the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.
In March of 2013 Marmillion/Gray Media then proceeded to sue 1st Co, Inc for the money instead of going through proper procedures of getting the money. Ist Co, Inc submitted a competing petition disputing the payment was not their responsibility because GOHSEP was holding the money, and urging the case to be held in state court, not city. Ms Gray perceived Rogers' exposing the hidden contract as a hostile act perpetrated against her so she set out on a public relations campaign to discredit Rogers.... but failing to exonerate herself.
When the news broke about the deaths of Rogers and Hodgkinson, the speed and procedure of dissemination of the press releases more than suggests that the Iberville Sheriff's communications office had a bit of help in getting the news out. Although there is no solid proof Rannah Gray had any hand in it, It would not be outside the realm of possibility since she would have benefited from it on many angles.
....and what would have been exposed if they lived to give their testimony in court that morning?
Original article:
Rannah Gray's letter to the editor in response to the article:
The Hayride article concerning Marmillion/Gray Media's questionable contracts:
Advocate article announcing lawsuits:
Edit: These are the domain names purchased by Rannah Gray: 1. afamiliarevil.com
2. scottrogersbook.com
3. scottrogersbook.net
4. thefamiliarevil.com
5. thefamiliarevil.net Update: It has come to my attention that the Advocate has recently removed the article discussing Ms Gray taking 1stco, Inc to court. Here is a cached screenshot: